Day Today

By Feathers14

Long Live the King

Weak pun, sorry.

Today Raggy and I went to a Breakdance event called 'King Of The Bboys' that was in Northfield, just outside Birmingham. It was a competition and we went along not to compete, but for him to do some filming and me to take some pictures. I also did a bit of filming too, and ended up creating this video from my footage and his footage.

It was a bloody amazing event. The breakers were mind blowing and the atmosphere was just so incredible. I took a lot of pictures and whilst this wasn't the most 'impressive' picture, it is one of my favourites. I didn't want to shoot on ISO 6400 because the grain just trashes everything. I was shooting on 3200 instead but despite shooting on a 30mm f1.4 lens I still couldn't go much above 1/250 shutter speed before I under-exposed everything. As a result lots of the pictures had too much motion blur, but this one doesn't.

Seeing as November is my month of portraits this is a pretty good shot and definitely carries on the theme nicely. It would have been better if I'd managed to not chop off a tiny part of his hand, but shooting breakers is pretty tough as is.

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