Let Me Come Home

We had a quiz in bio today. The one question on it was "What color shirt am I wearing today?". Waste of my time. Waited around two extra days because I knew there was a quiz today.

The drive home with Caitlin, Miker, Nick, and Mac was interesting. It had its good moments. But after like 4 hours in the car I get antsy and cranky and Nick was playing terrible music. I definitely would not have survived if Caitlin wasn't there. I need her. Seven hours. SEVEN HOURS in that darn car.

But I came home to the most wonderful family party at my house. I missed my family an incredible amount. It made me beyond happy that everyone was there. These are my cousments. Such cuties.

I know there is a big gap in my blips currently. Lack of computer at fault for that. I'm working on it.

"And even though we know we shouldn't love certain people, we do and always will. Because there are just some people in this world who will get us for reasons we can't explain, even when they shouldn't."

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