
8.9C and feeling cool. Some brilliant light with scattered cloud.

Apothecary7 had her day off today. Only just back to work I can hear you say, but thats the way the 'admin. dept.' worked it out. As it turns out Apothecary7 quite liked the idea as she had just one day back to suffer through sort out all the issues that locums inevitably leave in their wake then have a break from it :-)

We went into Dundee. You may guess where we went if you wish. There was a scone involved :-)

We came back home via Broughty Ferry as I thought the better day and bright light might provide a good shot or two. I hope you like the one I chose to post. There was much debate with my assistant.

Later, after lunch, we took the aforementioned assistant Maeve the Deerhound for her walk. The field with the bridle path is much drier. There has been more ploughing and harrowing in the field and in the one beside it.
The sea was looking very blue and there was enough light to see the variation in colour where there are rocks and where there is sand.

The Bell Rock lighthouse was very easy to spot, and it made me think of an article I saw online yesterday which suggests that when the hundreds of turbines go up along this stretch of coast it will be hard to spot the lighthouse amongst the field of vertical lines that will form much of the view out to sea.

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