This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost


More stories from chaos central....
There are some Bremner's, some Munro's, and some Bremner/Munro's there are some Perrodin's, some Heaton's, a Spurgeon, some Chapman/Bremner's, there are some Chapman's, some Petillo's, some Maule's...

More to hang: Many more Perrodin's and a smattering of Demare's
and tomorrow the Fay's will be hung and some fine tuning on Colorusso's and I believe on Thursday Sheets will take the stage. Me oh my.... lots of art in this house and I still need to get my private collection out of the way and all the cluttered cleaned... not going to bed early tonight. You don't know what I am talking about?

ps. I started my job today and I have to work tomorrow and even on Thursday day one of the exhibition... we will see about this...

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