With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


The boys are in heaven with Angel here for the day. We picked her up on the way to the square and have been saying Ahhhh every since. We of course have encountered every other dog in the town since.

The weather is stunning and the Port so peaceful for a stroll. The new beach is all but gone, a band of blue water in the middle of the bay giving away the location of the sand. I wonder if they'll haul it back up for next summer?

I made an executive decision for lunch in Fornalutx watching the Vultures, Red kites and eagles above the ridge. Gorgeous. Now we are digesting. The fire lit in three seconds thanks to our new kindling from yesterday and although it's tempting to get out for another walk in the blue, it seems just too much to miss out a curling up with Angel.

Fade to snoring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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