Having watched the weather forecast last night When awful weather was promised, Sue and I were both delighted on waking this morning to see the sun was shining and the sky was blue. It looked quite windy but we both decided to go for a walk.

You know by now that I’m not a ”power walker” so Sue went off to do her own thing and after I’d finished another pair of gloves, once again I wandered along the lane but in a different direction. What a beautiful morning - I could almost have burst into song!! The little stream at the end of the lane looked beautiful with the sun shining on the water, the birds were singing and I could hear the wind in the trees - it felt good to be alive.

I wandered on and came to a little path but realised it only led to a farmhouse so after walking some way, decided to turn back and when I did, saw the lovely vista at the bottom of the collage, of the newly planted field and the clouds scudding across the sky.

Even though the sun was shining, the wind was getting rather cold, so I decided to go
back indoors. We’ve changed our plans and will be going to Richmond this afternoon, to have a wander around before visiting the refurbished station that now houses an art gallery and a small cinema. The new Judi Dench film, Red Joan, is showing, and we quite fancied seeing that so I’ve booked the tickets. I think there are only about 20 seats in Screen 3 so it will be almost like watching a film at home - wonder if they have popcorn?

I need to go back outside By the front gate to post this because of the awful signal here but thank you all for your kind comments and stars for my Bowes Museum collage and I apologise for my lack of comments.

”Sunshine is delicious,
rain is refreshing,
wind braces us up,
snow is exhilarating;
there is really no such thing
as bad weather,
only different kinds of good weather.“
John Ruskin

PS The various flowers are a “nod” to Flower Friday!

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