
By MaybeDailyBob

On the sixth day of Christmas,

my true love sent to me
Six Wellies wading
Five minty rings
Four compass points
Three French cheeses
Two lunching Lovers
and a Jane Langridge in an Ash tree

We to thank some very kind people. 5 miles plus into a 7 mile circular walk we came across the flood. We had negotiated other bits of water by scrambling round and even walking though an inch or two covering the path. With the road in sight and from there up hill back to our starting point the path dipped and for 20 yards there was mid-calf deep water. No way round it so we were contemplating taking our boots and sock off when along came 4 people. After a conversation about how we got there without wellies and the consensus drawn that we were about to get wet feet when they kindly offered to go back to their car change out of their wellies and one of them bought us back a pair each to borrow to get us across. Wonderful kindness.

There are 6 wellies in this as some how one person has been obscured. Large may help to see the pair in the top left corner.

We had a great day yesterday seeing Jane's sisters and their families. So thanks to the Browns for hosting lunch.

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