
By merlbec


Tough day for our pair of Tawny Frogmouths today. You may remember them from my 27th December blip.

This one was on the ground, maybe trying to get some of the grubs the Magpie family were digging up. The Maggies (parent and a couple of adolescents) were decidedly unimpressed and proceeded to divebomb and scream at him/her while the other Tawny looked on helplessly from a tree branch above. I yelled at the Maggies, to no avail, so turned the hose on them, made sure they were going to stay away, and then went indoors to let the Tawnys recover.

When I came out a little later to check, the attacked one was in a new tree, in traditional camouflage pose and keeping as still as possible, but breathing hard. The other one was still in the other tree, watching us both with eyes of steel. The next day they were gone, and we haven't seen them since, although I'm sure they're not very far away.

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