The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Acclimatisation Day

We woke after twelve hours of sleep and after my usual breakfast of boiled eggs and black tea, we set off on an acclimatisation trek. We walked north out of Namche towards Khumjung, spending about four hours climbing through the mountains and taking in the amazing views.

After a late lunch of vegetable soup. I had another snooze for 90 minutes! Seemingly my body needed to kick out the germs. We then wandered through the streets of Namche, eating apple cake and drinking lemon tea. Paul bought some trekking trousers and I picked up some zinc oxide cream to protect my had been a bit battered by the cold and persistent blowing!

After dinner we decided to see in Christmas. We popped on our Christmas hats, courtesy of our friend Debs who made them for us, and went to the two bars in Namche. The first, an Irish Pub run by two oriental guys, had three people in it - we had a Baileys and then crossed the pathway to the Danphe Bar which had about the same number of customers. Another Baileys and we were on our way to the lodge - all tucked up by half eight!!

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