conscious movement

My friend and Nia teacher Kathy Oravec facilitates Conscious Movement in Sarasota, Florida. We meet now on the first and the third Sunday of the month to move and connect and express our feelings through movement. I enjoy the people I have met through participating for the past year and I love the opportunity to move and dance creatively. I have found it has helped me emotionally to express my feelings though movement - physically work things out instead of mentally only. Participating has also been so much fun. . . . I am thinking of us all joyously dancing on Sunday to the song, what a feeling from the movie Flashdance!

Sometimes I take photos (without flash) and later bring them into Photoshop elements. I'll make layers with a few different photos and fool around with the qualities of the layers. This photo collage shows what our sessions are like at times. I feel it portrays the feeling in the room at this moment. This was taken during one of the quieter songs on Sunday. We also have some much more joyous times like I mentioned above, but I am usually busy dancing then. Hope you are making time to dance too -even at home!

Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another.
~ Kenny Ausubel

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