hello again

By admirer


Since some days my camera plays a silly game. It had fallen from a chair on the ground and was this connected with what happened later?
A photo I had taken changed on the screen from normal colours to strange iridescent ones. I tried a lot to change it back to normal and sometimes I succeeded, and after some time, the strange colours came back.
I first I thought it had to do with the infrored sensor, and then something else, or with the screen. All silly thoughts went through me.
My photo shows part of my Nativity, actually Joseph and Maria, which I took in a modus which I do not remember now.
I do hope I will find a solution soon.
It does not affect the shots on my memory card, and I can view how it looks like, but it is not possible to know beforehand which photo is good enough not to delete, haha.

I thank you for the lovely comments, the stars and hearts for my Elk at the Sababurg Park.

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