Neil had the day off today and he messaged me this morning asking if I wanted to got for a meal with him.  We decided to go to Wetherspoons in The Metrocentre and arranged to meet at 4pm to allow time for him to go for a run.  I got to the Metrocentre earlier so I could do a bit of shopping.  Neil arrived on time ( he doesn't always ) and he looked quite fresh considering he had run 17 miles. 

I had already decided to just have coffee - I'm trying to keep to the slimming plan and there's nothing on the Wetherspoons menu that's suitable. ( I did have a Slimming World chocolate bar with me.)  Neil mulled over the menu for ages .... and in the end he decided it was too near the time when he was due to have his meal at home... so he just had coffee too. They do free refills in Wetherspooons so we both has 2 coffees in the 1½ hours we were there.  We had a nice catch up - chatting about football, running ( Neil is in training for the London marathon in April) and his wedding ( which is planned for 2021). I have added a photo of Neil to my Extras

After Neil went home I did some food shopping in M & S.

The weather today was milder but there was a fierce wind.

For Tiny Tuesday I have taken a photo of part of a small cactus plant which stands on the bathroom windowsill.  I'm not a particular fan of cacti but a few years ago Becky bought me a set of three cactus plants.  Two of them have died but this one seems to be doing OK despite not getting a lot of attention.

Thanks to KangaZu who is hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

Musical link -  When The CACTUS Is In Bloom by Jimmie Rodgers

Steps today - 7,425

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