
Early call from the window fitters to confirm they had a slot this morning. Arrived at 9:30 and spent an hour or fixing some issues.

‘Looked in’ to this tangle of wires - and then blipped this telephone wiring cabinet - on the way to lunch with friends M & J at Mad Cucumber. Blown over by Ciara, or perhaps it’s being replaced?

Continued on with M to meet Mr B for coffee in Westbourne. Met by a sheet of torrential rain which lasted all of 5 minutes, followed by blue skies.

Then home to pay the parking fine I unsuccessfully contested with the local council. (Invisible lines and no signage visible - only round the corner). No point challenging further as the fine will double. Grossly unfair. You win some, you lose some.

Talk of snow (further North) and colder.

Thanks to 60Plus for hosting Mono Monday with the challenge ‘Looking in’. And tagged for Marlieske’s Derilect Sunday too.

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