
By picklepeter

Give the burn a break!

The Tollcross Burn flows through northeast Glasgow and discharges to the Clyde at Dalmarnock. It's in pretty poor shape at the moment - mainly due to it being 'canalised' (as in today's blip) or culverted underground.

Regardless of what you think of Britain's (or Scotland's!) place in Europe, the EU Water Framework Directive places a fairly honourable duty on member states to restore their water bodies to 'good ecological status'.

This is clearly good for watery beasties but it's also good for us - healthy waterbodies are naturally functioning waterbodies and more likely to contain clean water that has been filtered by natural processes. They are also more likely to be connected with their floodplains and allowed to flood where it is safe to do so, protecting more vulnerable areas from flooding.

Exciting plans in store for the Tollcross Burn all being well!

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