
By TonyG

White as Snow

The first crocus replacing yesterdays snow which has disappeared, just as predicted.

Crocus sieberi 'Bowles's White' was raised by the Crocus King, E.A. Bowles himself. As he wrote in his Handbook of Crocus and Colchicum (1952) 'In 1923 I found two pure white youngsters among my seedlings, after thirty years of hopeful expectation. The better of these has increased freely and is the best white and orange spring Crocus that I know. It is now known as 'Bowles's White'.

The snow cover protected a few early shooting bulbs in the garden from the severe frost and extreme low air temperatures. Cold glass did the same for the potted bulbs which will carry on where they left off as temperatures rise. Not Spring yet but expect a few more early flowers this week :)

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