Imagine the view....

By btc

Wren's London: St Clement Danes...

...St Clements Danes is the central church for the Royal Air force. The floor of the church is inscribed with the badges of over 800 RAF commands, groups, stations, squadrons and other formations, and the RAF use the church for its main occasions.

The church's organ, situated facing the altar in the gallery, was a gift from the United States Air Force, Pulpits, pews and chairs in the body of the church have been presented by various people, including past Chiefs of the Air Staff, Sir Douglas Bader, The lectern was a gift from the Royal Australian Air Force, the Cross from the Air Training Corps, the altar from the Dutch embassy. Also from the Netherlands is the font in the crypt, donated by the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The Paschal Candle was given by the Royal Belgian Air Force.

Outside the church stand statues of two of the RAF's wartime leaders, Arthur "Bomber" Harris and Hugh Dowding. The statue of Harris was erected under protest from Germany over his role in the bombing of Dresden and was jeered when unveiled by the Queen in 1992, ironic as the church was almost destroyed by Germans bombs during the blitz. (although I can understand why they were upset)

I have mentioned before the nursery rhyme 'oranges and lemons' well the first line is.....'Says the bells of St Clements', although there is a dispute with St Clements Eastcheap, which claims that there are the church referred to.

So another Wren building bites the blip dust, it was nice to be able to get out in the darkness again, good thin with the miserable rain today, only a few more to go now before the new series begins. Thanks again, glad to see that so many people enjoyed and seem to have so much history with the Royal Observatory.

LATE EDIT: Richieboo suggested a mono version, so I have add it for you to look at

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