Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Say Cheese

Today has been a total delight. Despite the Sun trying it's hardest to get me out of bed at 6am, I managed a much-needed lie in before settling in for a relaxing anniversary day off. We can both wholeheartedly recommend The Cheese Society for amazing cheeses; we had cheese, pickles and crackers for lunch and this Stichelton was absolutely the best Stilton I've ever had. Cor blimey. 

Not sure if I've mentioned before that Rich decided he wanted to watch all the adaptations of Little Women (having only seen the Greta Gerwig version and loving it), so we watched 2 today; the 1994 Winona Ryder one and the 2018 modern day version. The 94 one is still great, I think, but the 2018 one actually made me a bit angry! It seems to entirely miss the point of vast swathes of the book, as well as making Jo (my favourite March sister) a loud, entitled, nasty, spiteful butthole. They clearly made no effort to make the modern day setting relevant in any way (in fact, some bits actually made no sense because of it), Laurie was a lifeless wazzock and overall it was just dreadful.

The day after we got married, Rich and I tucked into some Hotel Chocolat chocolates and sparkly wine we'd been gifted and watched the movie Taffin. Since then, it's been a tradition on our anniversary to watch a movie with an Irish connection whilst scoffing Hotel Chocolat and wine, so this year we chose Sing Street. My Ma sent us the chocolates and wine as part of our gift, and the film was great, so it was a perfect lockdown anniversary, really.

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