
By Bob20

Resuscitation room

Well, you may wonder what on earth this blip is. as a daily journal is a record, I thought I would see if I could manage a blip during my stay at hospital.

I was taken ill with a minor stroke on Thursday evening, blue flashing light to hospital and superb treatment.

I have no permanent damage but I did lose the loss of use of my right arm which is teturning. Spelling and thinking not 100% yet but getting there.

Worse bit i I can't travel to India next Friday. Taking tablets forever and having to change my lifestyle a bit. I thought I was fit and healthy too. Eat the right foods, go to the gym, more or less right weight and not even feeling old, althogh I do today. Cant't drive for a month so Mrs Bob20 and me destined to do some fighting:)))

Anyway, you will only be getting blips around the garden and village, maybe the odd indoor blip until normal service resumes i.e. I can get out and about. I really want to do the 365 days.

I probably wont be able to or feel like replying to comments for a day or two, but they will be read if any are left here and gratefully received.

thanks blippers:)

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