All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The 3 year old teenager!

Today was gymnastics club for Ethan and Eden as usual. What wasn't usual though was that it was Ethan's first day in the 3+ group and he had to go in without me! He was most upset though when hubbie took Eden up to the class while we stayed at home, especially cos they were walking! We drove up 40 mins later for his class, hubbie and Eden took the car home and Ethan and I walked home after his class. He has been quite excited about the prospect of going in the "big boys and girls class" although I was worried he'd cry on the day. He didn't though - he lasted the whole class and apparently did very well and joined in loads! It was weird not being able to see what he was doing though although nice to have a blether with some of the other parents while we waited.

Once back home, Ethan and Eden did some painting while I made tomato and lentil soup for lunch (and hubbie had a sleep on the sofa). Foreveryoung complains that Eden doesn't like soup when she gives it to her but Eden even asked for seconds of mine!

In the afternoon I had an appointment for an eyebrow wax and for some strange reason Ethan insisted he wanted to come with me! He didn't stop talking the whole time I was getting it done and kept walking round the table for a better look!

Really tired this evening and so we ordered a chinese takeaway for dinner. Ethan wasn't so enthusiastic about this though and only managed some noodles and a spring roll!

I did laugh when I saw him sprawling on the sofa earlier with his snacks though - he looked like a real teenager lounging around in front of the tv!

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