
By scharwenka

Spring hopes

(eternal) etc.

Just over a week ago, I described a visit to the gardens of St John's College.

Today, we determied on another foray.

We were heavily distracted when walking through the college by the sounds of organ playing comng from the chapel. An organist was practising a piece that I have tentatively identified (this depends on my musical recall) as a Toccata in C major (BWV564) by JS Bach. It was fascinating to hear repetitions of phrases with which the organist was not quite satisifed, and to see how they became refined over the course of perhaps 45 minutes. And, it has to be said, that it's a favourite exploit of ours to enjoy sitting in a college chapel unobserved, and to listen peacefully to the very finest of music.

Thence to the garden. The first port of call was the witch hazel bush (Hamamelis) that I talked about last time. As you can see, it is still in bloom, and still smells wonderful. I've learned a trick since last time we visited: breathe gently on the blooms to get them to release the volatile perfumed compound when it is cold!

But we were delighted to see early signs of spring, which one can always celebrate in this garden. My main picture shows that the Winter Aconites are coming out, together with some early crocuses. Some of the clumps of snowdrops are very fine. ... and here is another group. Some of the slopes show the snowdrops even beginning to take over.

So that was a very encouraging afternoon out, even if the music did make our lunch come rather late!

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