
By Brotographer

Camera Face

The summit of photo week happened today, with our photosoc elections being held. After an incredibly healthy 12 hours sleep, I spent the afternoon hanging out with Shane, Rach, Mark, Aimee and others in Terrace Bar.
Also, received my fluids essay back (of which I had lost 3 hours worth of work) and nailed a 1st! The feedback from PJT was really good as well, compared to most other lecturers. Overall very satisfied. I've got some things to work on for future reports as well.

Elections followed, which were very interesting and intense. Shout out to Josh and Zhi, who both provided fiercecompetition for the role of PhotoOps and Exhibitions Manager Coordinator. They both deserved it very much!
Ultimately, I'm incredibly happy to be on exec for another year! Photosoc definitely means a lot to me and I've put unhealthy amounts of heart and work into it over the last year as Training Manager. The best part is how interlinked everything has been, as in we've all contributed to everybody's else's roles and the general well being of the society. I'd say only half of the effort I put in actually went towards training sessions. Shout out to everybody from both exec and general photosoc for having made the last year so sick! Here's to another one.

Ima steal the official list of the new exec from Andy's blip:

President: Matt Smith
Treasurer: Shane Wickramasuriya
Secretary: Andy Vicat-Brown
Social Secretary: Eve Sieradzka
Training Manager: Rachel Oates
Equipment Manager: Mahfoudh Shammakh
Exhibitions and Photo-Ops Coordinator: Axel Tanty
Dark Room Manager: Allie Wyant
Webmaster: Matt Smith

Celebrations followed, with a meal at Benji's and drinks at Loose Box before hitting the one and only SMACK. I can't believe how much I hate that place yet end up having such good nights there. Congratulations to Eve, our new social sec, for succeeding in improvising a great night right after being elected.
A lot happened and overall it was great. Rach, Josh, Eve, Ali and me were the last to leave Smack. Stayed up forever afterwards, and at some point I took this photo of happy little Rachel. She's gonna make a great Training Manager!

I gotta say, a very average photo, compensating for an outstanding day!

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