
By StuartDotC


Well the sun was out and we had lovely blue skies here today..... Pity I didn't have time to get my landscape shot though lol. Managed to get this quick snap of a disused building near my flat though, I think it's due for demolition soon though which is a shame, would make some lovely flats.

Anyway on with my day...
8:00 - got up and sorted out kids breakfast.
8:30 - got a call from my dad saying he's heading down to mine now (He had a stroke on boxing day which left him with very poor eyesight, dysphsia and problems with cognitive understanding/memory. He shouldn't be going out by himself but but refuses to listen to myself and numerous health professionals.) So I reminded him that he needs to stay in till his care worker has been round to be told that she's already been, then I asked if he could wait there and I'd come and get him..... Not a chance lol.
8:50 - Phone call from a panicked care worker because he's not answering door, told her he's on his way to mine.
9:10 - Dad turns up at mine and I get on with filling in his applications for sheltered accommodation.
10:30 - Head to waverly housing and hand in his form, as luck would have it there was a suitable house available so applied for that.
11:00 - Appointment with Social Services to hand in another two housing forms and see about getting him a place with the stroke club.
11:30 - Picked up a little shopping for myself and him, wasted some time before his next appointment.
11:50 - Arrived at doctors for his 12:00 appointment.
12:30 - Finally get seen by doctor after 40 mins of waiting and telling the kids not to annoy people/shout/climb on furniture..... you get the picture lol.
12:40 go to pharmacy to get his new meds, find out it's closed for lunch till half one.
1:00 - Finally get lunch, I had a spicy coronation chicken baguette and it was lovely :-)
2:00 - Pick up his new meds and take him home for Occupational therapist visit.
3:00 - Get home and let the kids watch the original "War of the Worlds" from 1953, surprisingly they enjoyed it. Took this quick blip from the kitchen window then got on with the housework :-(
4:30 - Made home made burgers for tea
6:30 - Took kids swimming
8:00 - Had a cheeky unhealthy supper at the leisure centre (crisps, chocolate bar and fizzy juice).
9:00 - Bed time for the kids HURRAY

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