
I've had a lovely evening. I met up with Sleepyhead tonight for a wander round the old town. It's official... my birthday celebrations have begun! Thank you for a lovely evening and for my birthday treats! You're a special sort and I'm glad we're friends and neighbours!

I couldn't decide on my blip tonight, so I had help... thank you gorgeous boy. I took a few cool shots while we were out even if I do say so myself but I've been wanting to blip the graffiti for a while. There's another drawing that I like but I had the wrong lens on and couldn't be bothered changing again so I'll go back in the daylight and try to get a better angle on it. I also liked this phoneworld shot but I seem to be overdosing on mono of late so here you have a colour blip from New Street. I think it's great that the graffiti artists have been given a fence to paint and it goes the length of the street. There's some great talent amongst it all.

Four day week for me this week so it's almost Thursday! Winner!!

64 sleeps!

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