El Torcal

After a bimble around the ancient streets of Antequera, with its whitewashed houses, marbled pavements, terracotta pantiles and an abundance of beautiful churches, we set off for El Torcal, a landscape of limestone pavements weathered over time to produce the most phenomenal shapes. I love this Karst landscape. The Burren in County Clare and the Yorkshire Dales are stunning, but the scale of this was absolutely awesome. We walked through a valley with fantastically shaped cliffs either side of us, then felt compelled to climb as high as possible to get an overview of the area. After much scrambling and enjoying leaping from slab to slab (big kids that we are ), we reached the summit and watched the sun sinking behind the mountains. As it disappeared we enjoyed the silhouetted shapes of the crags against a pink sky. It was then a bit of a quick descent in the diminishing light, just making it back to the car before nightfall. Today has been an incredible experience.

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