
I have not visited this place since March, when I last went for a swim. The so-called “community hub” has other facilities, including three separate medical practices. I am here for a test - all fine.

It felt safer than yesterday’s visit to the local health centre, for a flu jab. I haven’t been in one room with so many other people for 7 months, and whilst we all stood on spots distanced one from the other by a 2 metre gap, two voluble people with their very lively two year old grandson were not wearing masks, and made for an uncomfortable wait. I am wholly intolerant of non compliance with the guidelines, it’s why we are where we are.

J went today, fortunately fewer people and everyone well behaved.

The first day of England’s new lockdown, although it will not change things much for us. My feeling is that acting too late (again) means the lockdown will last longer than everyone is expecting or hoping for. We will see, I always like to be wrong about these things.

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