Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Waterfall (detail)

A long time ago, local linen mills were powered by water and to ensure a reliable supply, a dam was constructed to hold it back in times of plenty and release it during dry spells.  This was still intact when I moved here in 1974 and was known simply as the 'Mill Dam'. A few years later however, the dam was declared unsafe and it was breached and the lake behind it was drained. The lake bed has long since been reclaimed by woodland apart from the burn meandering through it until it pours through the breached dam wall.

Technical details:
Camera braced against a tree trunk and six images taken at 1/20 sec.
These combined 'Pep Ventosa' style at 100, 60, 40, 20, 15, 10 % opacity
Combined as 'Normal' apart from the 60% layer which was 'grain extract'.
Recoloured to the gradient 1d552e to 99a2f9
Sharpened by 'unsharp mask' followed by 'high pass filter'.
The contrast was tweaked in 'curves' along the way.

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