Notable Speakers
Apologies to Sir David Hendry for this photo, but since its gonna make the cut for the photos I deliver, I thought I'd share it here! He delivered a really good speech.
Economics Summit, part II. Ali and me rocked it, I'd say we're a good team. Additionally, good friend Jack lent me his 70-200mm f/2.8, the ideal lens! It really upped the game, considering the terrible lighting.
Today saw many great speakers, including Vince Cable, Sir David Hendry and a Warwick lecturer, Michael McMahon. Although I still get very distracted while photographing speakers and the audience, a lot of their speeches made quite an impression. We did some photography of seminars as well, midway through the day.
In the evening, took the train to London to meet up with Ambre and a group of her friends in Soho. She's leaving for Brazil (again!) and I'm gonna miss being able to pop down to London whenever to see her! Was a good night, ending in Chinatown for a VERY late second dinner. Good times.
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