A rural life for me

By Rhubarrb

Living with Blip Addiction - day 400

No matter how hard you try to resist, Blip gets you.

It is so cheesy to say it changes your life but it does!! It slyly takes over while you are not looking and before you know it you find yourself becoming more anxious as the day goes on if you haven't found 'the shot'. You panic if there is a powercut and you haven't uploaded yet. Or if the internet is down you begin to make plans of driving to a friends so you can upload your picture before midnight. You find that everything you look at is being sized up to see if it has potential. Cameras and phones become constant companions and yet you never seem to have 'the right one' with you when the money shot presents itself. You drive your friends mad with 'I just need to blip first'. You leap out of bed at ridiculous hours in the hope of a beaut of a sunrise. Or stand in the rain / a river / in precarious positions for great lengths of time looking very strange to all around. Whenever you see another person taking a photograph you find yourself thinking 'I wonder if they are a blipper...'

In short you become an addict.

I am 0nly 400 blips in and I already get cold sweats about missing a day. I keep thinking I will do it on purpose one day just to prove to myself that the world will not end. As yet I haven't managed it......

Maybe it is because I love being a Blip Addict....

P.S Please note that I have made a big step in my addiction today... For those that are familiar with my journal, you will know I have always used a blip of the number of any milestone I've reached so far. With a sunrise like this today I just couldn't not use it. But not posting a creative 400 has caused me a little anxiety!!!! Even as I type I am doubting my descision.... Should I change it? I am thinking of something to do with black peppercorns and something shiny.....
Dear God woman - just press the damn Publish entry button!!!!!!!!

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