meaningless vs meaningful...

yes, people...jean-paul sartre in one hand and a crochet in the other!?...from existentialism (the modern system of belief made famous by Jean Paul Sartre in the 1940s in which the world has no meaning and each person is alone and completely responsible for their own actions, by which they make their own character) to meaningful granny squares !!

"If you grew up in the seventies, as I did, you might fear the granny square--if only because, for a while, clothing was made of nothing else. Granny square vests, granny square shorts, granny square hats. Heck, I bet there was some kid out there who was forced to go to school wearing granny square underwear."
Debbie Stoller

(friedaquilter, i know you won't be impressed but...started on my birthday and it's ready one week later!!...also here in NL i have very basic tools to create...but it's a start!?...)

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