Wild Wednesday ....

... they're back!!!

I think I mentioned on Saturday we saw our first chipmunk of the year in our front yard.  Then on Sunday I saw a chipmunk in the backyard! I sure have missed them during this long winter.  The last chippy to appear on this journal was way back in October 2020.

As today was another gorgeous day with plenty of sunshine and warm temps I put out some peanuts on the front stoop.  Then I 'hid' behind the birch tree to see if the chippy would come for his/her treats.  As you can see ... she did.  We think it might be a female because it doesn't stray too far from it's burrow. And she might have babies that she must watch over.  Although it doesn't appear as if she nursing ... so perhaps not. 

Happy Wild Wednesday ... belatedly!  Backblipped: March 12 ...

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