Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

The Great Escape.

Next door's dog (a very small, very yappy, nasty wee dog) has a bad habit encouraged, or at least not deterred by his owners, of coming into my garden, peeing all over the place then pooping where-ever he fancies.
They very ineffectually say "oh, come on now.... come back here...."
(did you hear my pathetic wee old lady voice to say that? Not that they are any of the above and in fact when they shout, it's very robust shouting!) But he comes in where my wee bulbs are trying to grow.

ANYWAY. I decided I was going to put garden string in between the slats of the (very, very old) iron fence in between the 2 gardens. Trouble is, I like NOT having a huge fence of wood because when you look out, you see more Green than Wood. (other neighbours have had a wooden fence for a few years now - I hate it! and it creaks when its windy!) SO I don't want to fall out with them. On the other hand, I don't want their dog in my garden.

The (Plastic) bit of 'fencing' was an attempt to discourage him coming through but wasn't having any effect - and to put it the length of the iron fence would be quite expensive at £1 a bit. SO I put this lattice up today and when D saw it, he asked me if I was thinking of Steve McQueen? I thought he just meant that the wee doggie makes a great escape everytime he bolts across my garden. Turns out he was more referring to the scene where Steve strings a wire across a road and a motorbike rider is knocked off his bike which Steve then steals.

So tonight, I've been wondering if Wee Doggie has noticed his way has been blocked yet!!!

Y'all are dying to whistle it, so here's the theme

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