Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Strengthening neural pathways

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to memorize lyrics lately, especially those in languages other than English, which is most of what I've been singing of late.

Enter: flash cards! I read a very helpful article a while back and, while the author is learning far more complicated pieces (entire operas) than I am, and some of her ideas are completely over the top OCD (which I admire greatly!), I have adopted a few of her ideas. One was the flash cards, and she suggested an iPad/iPhone app, Study Flash, which I immediately downloaded because I'm all about apps. It's turning out to be very useful, though I'm still only on Verse 1. The concert is only a whole week and a day away. I'm living, breathing and sleeping Schubert.

I can do this.

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