
By Houblon

Garden 5 - March

Not feeling so great today so have not ventured too far for a blip

This is the baseline for the year and I'm hoping to to record once a month so we can see how things change over the year. You can see StorksRock has been busy tidying up since January. You can't see much evidence in the shot yet but a closer look shows we have a bit blossom on the quince tree. The Plum tree, lilac have buds as do Houblon's namesakes the hops. The bulbs in pots are sprouting but apart from the snowdrops no flowers open yet, although the crocus are close, and I'm looking forward to the tulips.

Also interesting to compare with previous blips:

Garden 4 - January
Garden 3 - November
Garden 2 - October
Garden 1 - September

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