A Swimming Indian Myna (Acridotheres tristis)

She loves her daily swim, but she doesn't want to swim outside of her cage, we always put her 'pool' in the cage, I think she feels too vulnerable when her feathers are wet and she knows she is out in the open.

But ... today we rescued another little Indian Myna at school and Charmaine brought it home, boy, was she upset! Hiehie! I think when Charmaine filled up her 'pool' for her, she was so grateful to get all the attention, she simply couldn't wait to dive in and splash like crazy! I was so glad, I just snapped away, non-stop! 73 frames later, I was faced with the challenge to choose 1, eisch, ONE photo to blip!

A better glimpse of her!

There were stunners, but all of us agreed that this one should be the one, it demonstrates her excitement and enthusiasm best! You can see the water drops flying all over the garden! ;-)

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