Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Breakfast with a View

Happy First Day of Spring! This is the ever-lovely, bright and bubbly KettwigeFrau. And the most-spring like view I had all day - with her cheerful blue & green polkadots, happy eyes, and the hot pink Gerber Daisy - how could one not feel all warm and fuzzy?

I had the pleasure of her company, along with 7 other expats at breakfast this morning. It was the most enjoyable part of my day. As soon as breakfast was over and I stepped out into the cold gray snow, the day dove downhill as fast as the temperatures.

For one, I spent 4.5 hours waiting for a Telecom technician to show up and repair an Internet line. But the tech never came. I called at the end of the appointment window to learn the tech claims he was there at 1:35 and left a card in the mailbox when no one answered. NOT TRUE; not at this address. I know for 100% certainty as not only did we have a perfect view of the driveway from our first floor window the entire afternoon, but the neighbor also confirmed from her downstairs shop window, that no one ever drove up or came to the door. And there was no card in the box. So, new 4-hour window on Friday. UGH.

From there it was straight to my 14-yo old son's parent-teacher conference night. Which ran very late and did not necessarily leave me feeling warm and fuzzy about how well he is applying himself to his school work.

Only two more days til the weekend - now that's something to smile about, right?!

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