The return of the radiators

One of our friends said that sounds like a horror movie title, but there was nothing horrifying happening. We had the furniture moved and ready, Merry was safely sunbathing on the piazza. The two guys from Steamworks in Rhode Island arrived with the the newly cleaned and repainted radiators. They were carefully rolled in, put in place and connected. The boiler had to be fired up briefly to test them. All responded perfectly and heated up quickly. We're set for a cool fall evening, one that cannot come soon enough. 

Merry got to come in from the piazza to meet the two guys from Steamworks. They were astonished at her color, small size and how friendly she was. She checked their work and found the radiators still warm! She tucked right in, very close, basking in the heat. She's not a fan of the constant air conditioners we have to use to fight the endless heat and oppressive humidity. It's either oppressive heat and humidity or rain, or both this summer. Climate change is real.

For the record,
This day came in hot and humid once more. We have rarely seen the grass green this late in August, with all the rain and sun it grows so fast. Normally things are pretty burned up and the grass is going dormant at the end of summer. Humidity and I just don't get along to be honest.

All hands wary.

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