
By fairyhedgehog

Woodland Cow

My son texted me today to say that the baby is on its way and they are in the hospital. I'm still waiting to hear that my grandchild has arrived. It's being a long labour for my poor daughter-in-law.

I had a quick ride through the woods before taking Ru to have his checkup at the vets - he is fine, and can start to go out again.

I got the clarinet reed I ordered, a slighter firmer one than I'm used to and I can barely get a sound with it. Something to work on!

I also got the tin whistle that was an impulse buy at the same time and I'm having so much fun with it! It's as easy to play as a recorder, or maybe easier, although the different fingering keeps catching me out. But I can already play some simple tunes on it and I can't wait to get better and add in the ornamentation that makes the music sound so lovely.

Still waiting.

Edited to add: and at 9.30pm tonight, we heard that she is here! They get to stay in for a couple of day until her first check up, they all get to stay in, including my son. German healthcare is good.

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