Lost in Translation

…..Think they’d expect you to wait ‘till they’re open on Monday. Someone was impatient. Needs a genius to interpret that.

Walked to the Savoy. Had a drink on the terrace. Then back home for late lunch.

Made a Puglian inspired ‘Cucina Povera - fave, polenta e verdure ‘ (peasant food - dried broad beans, polenta vegetables)’ for dinner. Served with vegan sausages, and tomato and onion sauce. For myself, Mr B does his own.

Been watching the excellent Michael Portillo’s Great Continental Railway Journey. Travel from my armchair - the best, comfortable, no hassle, no hassle. Spain, Romania, now Switzerland.

Thanks to Kanga Zu for hosting today’s Silly Saturday challenge. Looks like someone went outside and had the wrong sort of fun in my blip.

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