
By Marionb

Frosty Morning...

The frost last night was a pretty hefty one and I spent some time early this morning roaming around the garden trying to capture it on the sedum, the last lone coneflower, the burning bush leaves  and the euonymus...but not always successfully!  .

I had hoped to get  a blip early, as I knew my day would be eaten up by preparations for my friend's visit tomorrow morning and for my drive to London in the afternoon to spend a few days with my daughter and SIL...There would be no time for photo today's blip had to be one of this morning's photos - the euonymus won.

And now the day is almost over; I got a lot accomplished but I am still not packed yet - which is my usual state of affairs no matter if I am going away for a couple days or for three months! The packing is the last thing that gets done - I seem to have a mental block when it comes to packing..and I always end up taking too much. By now, after all these years, you would think I would have it down pat..but no...I will be still working on that tomorrow, right up until I leave. 

Then as I drive away, the second-guessing will begin...Did I remember everything? No always works out...the cat will be cared for, the cleaning lady will be paid, the garbage will be put out, the mail will be picked up..all because I have a great friend and neighbour Elaine who takes over my house and cat when I am away...Everything will be fine....relax. 

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