First session

3years 167days

This image is from the first session in our new studio for little miss Katie! She had a fabulous time.

So, despite a rather late and busy night, Katie and I got up at 7.10 and went out to her new swimming lessons - 8am on a Saturday. We left with her in jammies, wrapped in the meitai. She was really pleased to be going. I was really pleased we made the effort. The new teacher is brilliant. He very quickly gauged her ability, and stretched her but also supported her when need be. He worked out what she was capable of, so she got to do a lot more. She got more out of this half hour session than any of the 20 lessons she had with the previous teacher. Huge progress!

When we came home, the sleepy household of Uncle Simon, Alicia, Hazel, Mark and Sarah were beginning to rouse. We all got sorted and ready so we could head out for a fry up. We found a cafe in the town centre and stormed it. They werent really sure what had hit them, but we enjoyed a lovely relaxed time all of us together. Good company, satisfactory food, and more toast than we could possibly imagine what to do with.

Uncle Simon and I then spent a bit of time choosing me my first big girls' knife from the Cook Shop - so I really must be nearly a proper grown up! I got bored of buying apparently good knives that turned out to be pants, so got him to help me pick the right one (its brilliant). We then said goodbye to him and Alicia, before the rest of us headed to the studio. Hazel and I had a play, Sarah photographed her photographing me photographing Katie (follow that?!) and Katie had a blast getting out all of the toys and props that she doesnt usually play with. She's so good at knowing what are Mummy's work things and never plays with them or gets bothered by them.

We then headed back to our house to get straight before Mark and Hazel set off. Katie, Sarah & I headed to town as Katie wanted a babyccino. So we went to the usual babyccino shop - Costa - except it turned out she wanted one at "the new babyccino, at the shopping". She wanted to go to Tescos. A bit of a shop round afterwards before heading home in a taxi (we were all flagging!) We put a Disney film on, had a lovely play. We put a second Disney film on about 530 and her & I cuddled. And fell to sleep. I didnt sleep long, she did. Until 6.30am.

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