Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Little House with the Big View

This photo is for Tookie! Then, Tookie, go back and look at my November 24, 2012 for a comparison. Then take a look at November 16 and 17 and December 16 and 17 and January 10 and 19. I know you don't have time to do that . . . just humor me with knowing that I mean well.

We've had SO MUCH fun today -- I'm not sure I can package all of into this one single post, but I'll try.

We were up early because we knew that at 9:00 a.m. Steve, the man who did the home inspection back in August was going to come meet with us, just to talk and get acquainted, and answer my zillion questions about this place. What a thrill to meet Steve. He was so positive and so affirming that we had made a good purchase (it became ours on November 14th).

I've spent more than one night on my pillow with mind racing -- wondering if what we have done was sheer crazy, or maybe, just possibly, a quality gamble. Steve, the best home inspector in the county, was more than assuring that this old house (built in 1942) is a keeper. It comes with a view to live for and more character than I can even measure. It's definitely a "fixer-upper" but that's okay. The house was on the market for 18 months and a year before we purchased it, the price was almost two-hundred-thousand more than we paid.

Steve really liked the new windows and told us they were a quality upgrade. He also liked the way we had had a small portion of the back yard fenced so the pups have a place to "go." The property has a large backyard, but we needed something reasonable for the pups so we had green vinyl chain link installed with a gate on each end.

After Steve left, I must have said a dozen times how much I appreciated talking with Steve. He told us to do the "home improvements" little-by-little and gave us lots of names and numbers of locals who are experts in all kinds of things.

After Steve left we walked the pooches to the beach and were quite surprised how windy and cold it was at the shoreline. The pups didn't care. They had a great time barking at a few passersby. Then we headed back to the house. Everyone napped, except me. I have student essays to grade -- yuck; so I read and marked a few.

Then after the pups woke when hearing someone or something walk past the front of the house, we decided to pack-up to drive north to Cambria to be at the annual book sale at the Friends of the Library. We wanted to first stop at the "Village Bean" to get another ice cream cone and cup of coffee because the stop there the other day had been so yummy. Then we were on to the library's sale.

The sale was being held in a large warehouse-like building. Walking in was overwhelming -- there were zillions of books and CDs and DVDs and videos and oh my. More than an hour later we made our exit with more loot than we could carry and all of it cost us $15.75. A bargain!

Then we drove along the Cambria shoreline and finally back to Cayucos to cook tacos for dinner and snuggle in for an evening of listening to new (used) music and movies, while I thumbed through my books (I'll list them here later if I get a chance).

We're at the library now so I can upload my blips for the past several days. Maybe I'll add to this later.

Continuing from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun and Chloe, Mitzi & Max), aka Carol

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