Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Magical Fibonacci Spiral

Blip will never be the same again. I started putting photos onto Blip as a way of recognising and recording the flowers that my favourite flower essences are made from. It's always been more about the flowers than the photography.

Today I discovered the magic of woodland photography. Jay took us to unspoilt woodland where we connected with the nature spirits and got lost in a magical world. Time stood still, rain didn't matter and bogs went unnoticed. I took over 200 photographs; they are mostly dreadful and over-exposed but it doesn't matter because I had the most wonderful day with the most beautiful people. When I got home I was sure the feelings of magic enchantment would be tangible in my photos. The photos are mostly dreadful but I've had a wonderful day connecting with the process more than the end result, and that will stay with me forever.

So today - ironically not a flower - but a curl of bracken, a curving tendril, a Fibonacci spiral - like ammonite, snail shells and all of creation. I am totally blissed out with woodland wonder and a new world where the Auto button could almost be a thing of the past.....

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