
By Helwild

A Celandine's time to sleep...

Guess who had to work today?! Boo Hoo! But it's my last ever Saturday! Yipee!

So having rediscovered my garden yesterday, I crept out when I got home. I caught this celandine just as they were starting to close up for the evening. The sun was now out of their reach. I love that one petal just starting to curl up.

They appear on my lawn every year for a few weeks and look so beautiful and then they disappears underground until next Spring. I have a battle with my other half though. I like to see them grow until they die off and he wants the lawn cutting as it starts to grow just as they appear!!

I was experimenting with my macro converter which cost me £40! It's a strange little lens that clips onto the end of my standard lens. At some point in the future I'll be investing in a proper macro lens but this is fine for me for now.

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