
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 3: The Way forward

Molinaseca to Villafranca - JBD = 30.9km

The hardest day so far but another beautiful one too. We walked through Ponferrada first, stepping into a quirky, gorgeous little cafe which I thought could have been decorated by my little sister if she had ever decided to decorate a cafe. Outside was the castle, unfortunately closed, and more miles of walking.

It long day took us through vineyards, over rolling hills, past many pretty pylons and eventually to Villafranca, where we were met by eccentric (some might say crazy) owners but had a great shared room and we had a lovely meal with other pilgrims (even if saying grace was done in a slightly disturbing and starey way).

After dinner we went out for a little walk and stumbled upon the shooting of what looked to be a local TV drama. Randomness and the Camino really did seem to go hand in hand.

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