Birthday Boy

Another year older and still as gorgeous as ever.

You are a bundle of energy that leaves us quite exhausted. Your tantrums and affection are given in equal measures and your funny little ways make us grow more in love with you every day.

That thing you do with your eyes has us all in stitches - you can be quite the little comedian. You adore your big sister but you can also give her a hard time by hitting her and chasing her for 'fun' but she tolerates it most some of the time. Your understanding of French leaves us amazed and you still love a 'camion.' Your best friends are Gabriel and David and we promise to do our best to retain the friendship when you all leave the creche in June and go your separate ways.

Today you made a cake at the creche with your friends to celebrate your birthday and we had to take in photos of you as a tiny baby. You had a great time!

This evening you opened your presents and had fun playing with your new golf set, fishing rod, and tunnel for your train tracks and of course we had some more cake!

We hope you enjoyed your birthday our little 'Matey' and thank you for being such a fantastic little boy. We are so proud of you and love you dearly, xxxx

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