Good times
See that building with the green domes? I used to work there. It was a few years back now. Mostly good times. I can only really think of one day there when things took on the dimensions of a pear. Good crew too. We're all scattered to the four winds now. Well, all of us apart from one guy who is still working at the successor company to this day. It's been eight years or something. Loyalty medal for [name redacted]!
Someone told me once that we spend as much time with our colleagues as we do with our significant others. I don't find that hard to believe. When I was younger I used to move on to the next job with barely a backwards glance but as I've gotten a little older I've found my mind turning back to long gone times by the water cooler more often. All those hours spent with people I'll probably never see again. Life is strange some times!
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