Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Perhaps not the cutest baby

This Coot and its chick were found on the Keg Pool at Etherow Country Park, Compstall which I think of as in Cheshire but its probably in Stockport.

I was doing a bit of a recce for a Camera club outing on Saturday morning when I hope the sun shines. Today it's was sunny all the way there and for 5 minutes after that and then it was grey!

Swallows - only 2, a big disappointment. The trees all look like they think its still late February. A few Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers plus 1 Blackcap were the only other migrants among the usual suspects for the area.

The Mandarin Ducks were having fun courting and one female had 5 males following her about and eventually up in to a tree - the males looked exhausted.

A silly Canada Goose has nested within 2 yards of the Keg Pool path so watch out for dad he'll have your leg or anything else he can get hold of.

A sad sight on the Keg Pool was a single Swan - local rumour that the spouse has gone, assumed died :-(
UPDATE: Saturday we saw a Swan on a nest so looks like its good news !

Anyway the Coot chicks are fun to look at

UPDATE: Saturday Lots more Coots

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