Mum & Dad...

Day 8...

I was up early this morning to meet my friend Leigh and her husband for breakfast. Pancakes and bacon with maple syrup and cawwfee were the order of the day. I needed to collect my Converse too... they are seriously awesome and totally unique! I'll take some pics tomorrow maybe. I left Leigh and Jamie in the Converse shop as Jamie wanted to make his own pair too and got the subway back up town. I decided to brave it without a map or indeed a clue and hope for the best that I'd know where to get off. I had Giacomo looking after me the only other time I've been on the subway but I survived and got off at the right place. It's actually quite hard to get lost in the city until you get further downtown. Sometimes I can come out of a shop or a cafe and have to think about which direction I'm meant to be walking in but generally I've not used a map or got lost. Go me!

My parents arrived this afternoon so I went to meet them from the bus station. It's lovely that we're going to have a week together in the second best city in the world. My Dad has never been before to I'm excited to show him round. Already Mum is plotting a shopping trip without him so we'll need to find a Dad shaped activity to keep him busy while we shop.

We wandered up Fifth Avenue, a little way through Central Park and then for dinner in a little bar on 8th Avenue. Nice wine!

It's fair to say that my feet are killing me. I wish they weren't but they are. Tomorrow we're going to do something that doesn't involve walking miles and miles. Now we're all knackered and in bed although I'm over the jet lag so it won't be me up at 5am tomorrow! My early night beckons!

Thank you all so much for all your lovely comments, hearts and stars while I've been here... I promise to get round you all when I get home with a bump next week. Hello to all my new subs... I'll get round your journals when I come home too.

I've started a new album on Facebook for week two should you feel the urge to look at the rest of my photos. I know other people's holiday snaps aren't everyone's cuppa but they are there for those of you who wish to tag along on my trip.

Week One

Week Two

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