Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Little Dog, Big Stick

I've just spent a very enjoyable afternoon in the company of CleanSteve, RichardDonkin and his lovely wife Jill.

After a walk around Silent Pool, we headed up to the little Church of St Martha, perched high on the hill. The air was clear allowing long views over the Weald and beyond. I could of posted a photo of our fellow blippers, but couldn't let this image pass. Richard and Jill's dinky Jack Russell, Pippa, when she found a stick to take around with her. Never mind if the stick is larger than the dog. She shows real Jack Russell determination. My mutts were all too busy hunting to play until we came back to have a cup of tea before they all headed home.

There was one person missing from the group. It really was a shame that Woodpeckers couldn't join us this time, but I'm sure there will be occasions in the near future.

I may change this in the morning. I've found a better one!

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