Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Shiny New Kenworth Truck

Our neighbor, J, is involved in the development and testing of big trucks. He brought this one home yesterday and took it to his daughter's school to show her classmates. He's done it before, but this was the first time I had a chance to climb up in the cab and look at the controls. As you can see here, it's a lot more complicated than a typical car, and not surprisingly, you need a special license to drive one of these.

The bunk beds in the rear of the cab looked a lot more comfortable than the ones we had on our train trip last year.

I had to get up early for the blip photo before J left for work this morning. I was outside in my nightshirt -- fortunately it wasn't very cold, and I wasn't there more than a couple of minutes.

P.S. For the technically minded, the engine is rated at 450 horsepower.

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